Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hubstack yo-yos

     In my last post I talked about the yoyo design that makes preforming a finger spin that much easier. In this post I am going to talk about a design that introduces a whole new set of tricks that with out it, those tricks wouldn't be do-able. The finger spin could be done with most yoyos but it is just easier with the little reverse nipple design but all of the hubstack tricks can only be done on hubstack yoyos. A hubstack yoyo includes a little pole in the middle at the yoyo that spins independently from the rest of the parts. If you grab this little pole type thing and pull the string out then the yoyo will spin while still on your finger (technically doing a finger spin but this looks a little bit different when you first start the trick). This designed makes the yoyo closer to a fidget spinner in the sense that you could hold it in your hands while its spinning. Image result for hubstack yoyo tricks

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