Thursday, January 25, 2018

side affects

There is yet another yoyo design that I would consider to the most popular one out of the many of iterations that has been incorporated into the yoyo over the years, and this design is called side effects. Side effects make very little change in the yoyo beside changing the weight of it slightly, but the part that people really like about it is that it’s highly customizable. Side effects are little screw in center pieces that u can place inside some yo yos, the come in different weights and shapes and has tons of options that people can choose from. Each yo yo that supports the side effects can have up to two and you can mix and match them to make your yoyo completely unique and somewhat special. The different designs include spikes and light bulb looking things along with something that looks alot like a hubstack but doesn’t have the function of one. They are very easy to put in too, u kinds just screw it into the middle when u want it in, then unscrew it when you want to take it out.

Image result for yoyo side effects

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